3 Steps to a Flawless Glow
Here’s our top tips to getting that perfect summer glow, without the sun.
1. Perfect Prep
2. Self-Tan Application
First, choose your self-tanner. SunnaTan has 4 options based on your tanning preference. Our self-tanners are designed for all skin types and are buildable. The more you apply, the darker the tan result. We recommend starting off with a small amount of product on your first application.
ALWAYS have the Tan Me Self Tanning Mitt or Blending brush ready.
ALWAYS apply a small amount of SunnaTan Hydrate Me lotion to hands, elbows, knees and feet before starting.
Next, apply tanner, starting and finishing with one body part at a time. Example: Left leg, Right leg, Bum, stomach, back, Left Arm, Right Arm, Chest, Face & Neck.
ALWAYS Leave hands & feet until last.
NEVER apply tanner directly to knees, elbows, hands and feet.
Work the tanner in a circular motion around the areas to avoid. When you’ve applied the product over the area, use your mitt or brush to gently blend the left over tanner from your mitt & skin over the elbows & knees.
Blend, blend, blend. If you’ve exfoliated properly, you cannot blend enough!
Perfect hands & feet are achieved when you take the leftover product that’s on your mitt/brush, ‘pulling’ down the self-tanner from your arm on to your hand and your legs onto your feet.
3. Rinse & Hydrate
Enjoy your flawless glow!
If we have missed any of your favourite tips or still have questions, contact us!
XO SunnaTan